You Only Say Something Over and Over Again if Its Not True Alan Watts

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Become What Yous Are Quotes

Become What You Are Become What You Are by Alan W. Watts
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Go What Yous Are Quotes Showing one-30 of 37
"a man does not actually brainstorm to be alive until he has lost himself, until he has released the anxious grasp which he ordinarily holds upon his life, his property, his reputation and position."
Alan W. Watts, Get What You Are
"Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely small; before we tin measure it, it has gone, and yet it persists for ever."
Alan W. Watts, Get What You Are
"Whether we similar information technology or non, change comes, and the greater the resistance, the greater the pain. Buddhism perceives the beauty of alter, for life is similar music in this: if whatsoever annotation or phrase is held for longer than its appointed time, the melody is lost. Thus Buddhism may exist summed up in two phrases: "Let go!" and "Walk on!" Drop the craving for self, for permanence, for particular circumstances, and go straight ahead with the motility of life."
Alan Due west. Watts, Go What You Are
"Cocky-consciousness is a stoppage because it is like interrupting a vocal after every notation so as to listen to the repeat, and and then feeling irritated because of the loss of rhythm."
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"Chuang-tzu: ''The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing; information technology refuses aught; it receives, only does not proceed."
Alan Westward. Watts, Become What Y'all Are
"you want to know what reality is, you must expect directly at it and run across for yourself. But this needs a sure kind of concentration, considering reality is non symbols, information technology is not words and thoughts, information technology is not reflections and fantasies. Therefore to see information technology clearly, your listen must exist free from wandering words and from the floating fantasies of"
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"ALMOST EVERY FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF LIFE can exist expressed in two reverse means. At that place are those who say that to attain the highest wisdom we must be all the same and calm, immovable in the midst of turmoil. And at that place are those who say that nosotros must move on equally life moves, never stopping for a moment either in fearfulness of what is to come or to turn a regretful glance at what has gone. The former are every bit those who listen to music, letting the flow of notes pass through their minds without trying either to arrest them or to speed them on. Like Chuang-tzu'south perfect human, they employ their minds every bit a mirror: information technology grasps nothing; it refuses nothing; it receives, only does not proceed. The latter are as those who dance to music, keeping stride with its movement and letting their limbs period with information technology as unceasingly and equally unhesitatingly as clouds respond to the breath of current of air. The one seems to reflect events equally they pass, and the other to motility frontwards with them. Both points of view, however, are true, for to reach that highest wisdom nosotros must at once walk on and remain still. Consider life as a revolving bike set upright with man walking on its tire. As he walks, the wheel is revolving toward him beneath his feet, and if he is non to be carried astern by it and flung to the ground he must walk at the same speed as the wheel turns. If he exceeds that speed, he will topple forward and slip off the wheel onto his face up. For at every moment we stand up, as it were, on the elevation of a cycle; immediately we effort to cling to that moment, to that particular betoken of the bicycle, it is no longer at the elevation and we are off our remainder. Thus by not trying to seize the moment, we keep it, for the second we fail to walk on nosotros cease to remain still. Yet inside this at that place is a still deeper truth. From the standpoint of eternity we never tin can and never do leave the summit of the wheel, for if a circle is set in infinite space it has neither acme nor bottom. Wherever you lot stand is the top, and it revolves only considering you lot are pushing it round with your own feet."
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"The universe is everlasting. The reason that the universe is everlasting is that it does non live for itself. Therefore it lasts. Therefore the sage puts himself backside, and finds himself in front, regards his person as outside himself, and his person is preserved. Is it non because he does not live for himself that he realizes himself?"
Alan West. Watts, Become What You Are
"For in truth neither past nor time to come have whatever beingness apart from this Now; by themselves they are illusions. Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely minor; earlier we can measure information technology, information technology has gone, and nevertheless it persists for ever."
Alan W. Watts, Go What You Are
"Zen main is not trying to requite you ideas about life; he is trying to give y'all life itself, to make you realize life in and effectually you lot, to make y'all live it instead of being a mere spectator, a mere pedant absorbed in the dry bones of something which the life has long deserted. A symphony is not explained by a mathematical analysis of its notes; the mystery of a woman's beauty is not revealed by a postmortem dissection; and no one e'er understood the wonder of a bird on the wing past stuffing it and putting it in a glass case. To empathize these things, you must live and motility with them as they are alive. The aforementioned is true of the universe: no corporeality of intellectual analysis will explain it, for philosophy and science can only reveal its machinery, never its meaning or, every bit the Chinese say, its Tao. "What is the Tao?" A Zen master answers, "Usual life is the very Tao." "How does ane bring oneself into accord with it?" "If y'all try to accord with it, you will get away from information technology." For to imagine that there is a "yous" separate from life which somehow has to accord with life is to autumn straight into the trap."
Alan Westward. Watts, Become What You Are
"Lao-tzu didn't actually say very much more than about the meaning of Tao. The Way of Nature, the Manner of happening cocky-so, or, if you similar, the very process of life, was something which he was much too wise to define. For to try to say annihilation definite about the Tao is like trying to eat your mouth: y'all tin can't get exterior information technology to chew it. To put it the other way round: anything you tin can chew is non your mouth."
Alan Wilson Watts, Go What You Are
"Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely small; before nosotros can measure it, it has gone, and nonetheless it exists forever. . . . You lot may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal Now; but you cannot be, for yous are life and be Now."—from Become What You Are"
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"Indeed, whoever imagines he has explained Zen has in fact only explained it away; information technology tin can no more exist bound by a definition than the wind can be shut in a box without ceasing to be current of air. Thus any attempt to write on Zen may seem an absurdity from the beginning, but that is only so if either reader or writer imagines that Zen can be contained in a set of ideas. A book about London is in no sense London itself, and no sane person would dream of thinking that it is. Yet manifestly intelligent people ofttimes make the equally ridiculous mistake of identifying a philosophical system, a dogma, a creed, with Ultimate Truth, imagining that they have found that Truth embraced in a set of propositions which appeals to their reason. There"
Alan W. Watts, Get What Yous Are
"How can nosotros bring ourselves into accord with this Tao? A sage has said that if we endeavor to accord with it, we shall get away from it. Only he was not altogether right. For the curious thing is that you lot cannot go out of accord with it fifty-fifty if yous want to; though your thoughts may run into the past or the future they cannot escape the nowadays moment. Still far back or frontwards they try to escape they can never be separated from the moment, for those thoughts are themselves of the moment; just as much as anything else they partake of, and, indeed, are the movement of life which is Tao. You may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal At present; only y'all cannot exist, for you lot are life and exist Now—otherwise yous would not be here. Hence the space Tao is something which you can neither escape past flight nor catch by pursuit; at that place is no coming toward it or going away from it; it is, and yous are information technology. And then get what y'all are."
Alan Due west. Watts, Become What You Are
"a Chinese poem says: Entering the forest, he does not disturb a bract of grass; Entering the h2o, he does non cause a ripple. For the prototype represents a number of qualities which are, in fact, aspects of the same thing. It represents the sage's freedom and detachment of listen, a skylike consciousness in which experience moves without leaving whatever stain. As another verse form says: The bamboo shadows sweep the stairs, Only stir no dust. Yet, paradoxically, this detachment from is likewise a harmony with, for the human being who goes into the forest without agonizing a blade of grass is a homo in no conflict with nature. Similar the Native American scouts, he walks without a single twig cracking beneath his anxiety. Like the Japanese architects, he builds a house which seems to be a office of its natural surround. The image also represents the fact that the way of the sage cannot be traced and followed, since no authentic wisdom tin can be imitated. Each human must observe information technology for himself, considering at that place is actually no way of putting it into words, of reaching information technology by any specific methods or directions. But in that location is actually the about intimate connection between these two apparently split up uses of the metaphor—the way of the sage, on the one hand, and the impermanence of life, on the other. And the connexion reveals the i deepest and nigh central principle of those Asian philosophies which then puzzle the Western listen by identifying the highest wisdom with what, to us, seems the doctrine of abject despair. Indeed, the word despair in a detail sense is the proper translation of the Hindu–Buddhist term nirvana—to "de-spirate," to exhale out, to requite up the ghost. We cannot sympathise how the Asians manage to equate this despair with ultimate bliss—unless, as nosotros are prone to suppose, they are afterward all a depraved and spineless people, long accepted to fatalism and resignation."
Alan West. Watts, Become What Yous Are
"But equally the bird leaves no trace, no record of its flying upon the void, so human want tin can gain nothing out of life. But to realize this is at once to become the sage, since the greatest wisdom lies on the other side, immediately on the other side, of the greatest despair. It is, of course, something more than than despair—a joy, a sense of creative life and ability, I might fifty-fifty say a security and certainty, beyond any imagining. Simply this is a way of feeling which the volition and the imagination are as unable to bring about as to make ane's basic grow or subtract the speed of the pulse. They must happen past themselves."
Alan West. Watts, Become What Yous Are
"People imagine that letting themselves go would have disastrous results; trusting neither circumstances nor themselves, which together make up life, they are forever interfering and trying to make their own souls and the world conform with preconceived patterns. This interference is simply the endeavor of the ego to dominate life."
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"nosotros exercise not discover the wisdom of our feelings because we exercise not allow them consummate their work; we endeavor to suppress them or discharge them in premature activity, not realizing that they are a procedure of cosmos which, like nativity, begins as a pain and turns into a child."
Alan Westward. Watts, Become What Yous Are
"All this is equally exasperating for the person who is doing the pointing, for he wants to evidence me something which, to him, is and then obvious that one would think any fool could see information technology. He must experience as we all feel when trying to explain to a thick-headed kid that 2 times zip is zero and not two, or some other perfectly simple little fact. And there is something fifty-fifty more than exasperating than this. I am sure that many of y'all may, for a fleeting moment, have had one clear glimpse of what the finger was pointing at—a glimpse in which you shared the pointer'due south astonishment that you had never seen it earlier, in which you saw the whole thing and so plainly that you knew y'all could never forget information technology . . . and then you lost it. After this, in that location may be a tormenting nostalgia that goes on for years. How to find the way dorsum, back to the door in the wall that no longer seems to be there, back to the turning which led into paradise—which wasn't on the map, which yous saw for sure right here. But now in that location is nothing. It is similar trying to trace someone with whom you brutal in honey at beginning sight, and and then lost touch on; and yous get back to the original place of meeting again and again, trying in vain to selection up the threads. If"
Alan W. Watts, Go What You Are
"Merely most of u.s.a. know that we volition not, and probably cannot exercise information technology—that nosotros shall go on to cling to our habitual means of life with all the helplessness of addicts to a destroying passion."
Alan Westward. Watts, Get What You Are
"This willful, compulsive, moralistic approach to human's transformation always obstructs it—for it however implies that very illusion of self-mastery which stands in the way. But it is just when I discover that I cannot surrender myself that I am surrendered; just when I find that I cannot accept myself that I am accepted."
Alan West. Watts, Go What Y'all Are
"When Lao-tzu said that mui, doing zilch, was the secret of harmony with the Tao, he really meant it. But what he meant by it must be distinguished very carefully from 2 other courses which sound quite unlike from i another, though they are really the same. The get-go class, I will telephone call the mode of deliberate imitation. This is to suppose that nosotros actually know what the sane and natural way of living is, to embody it in laws and principles, techniques and ideals, then try by a deliberate effort of imitation to follow them. This leads to all the contradictions with which we are so familiar, the contradiction of man bawling himself out—as well as up—for not doing what he tells himself to exercise. The second, and seemingly opposed form, I will call the way of deliberate relaxation, the way of "to hell with it all." This is to attempt non to control oneself, to attempt to relax i'southward mind and permit it think any information technology wants, to set out to accept one's self as information technology is without making whatsoever effort to change it. This leads to a vast, sloppy, disorganized mess, or to a kind of compulsive stillness, or sometimes to an equally compulsive psychological diarrhea. Both of these courses are far brusque of the real mui, of profound and radical nondoing. What brings them to the same thing is that, in their dissimilar ways, the two courses had a result in heed. They consisted equally in something done, or not washed, to get to a goal. The goal in question was some sort of image, some mental film, some vague feeling, of an platonic, of a state of accordance with the Tao, of harmony with the Way of Nature."
Alan W. Watts, Become What Y'all Are
"To cut a long story curt, thus far the contribution of logical philosophy to metaphysics has been entirely negative. The verdict seems to be that, nether logical scrutiny, the entire body of metaphysical doctrine consists either of tautology or nonsense. But this amounts to a total "debunking" of metaphysics only as information technology has been understood in the West—every bit consisting of meaningful statements carrying data near "transcendental objects." Asian philosophy has never been of the serious stance that metaphysical statements convey information of a positive character. Their function is not to denote "Reality" equally an object of knowledge, but to "cure" a psychological procedure by which man frustrates and tortures himself with all kinds of unreal problems. To the Asian mind, "Reality" cannot be expressed; it can only exist known intuitively past getting rid of unreality, of contradictory and absurd ways of thinking and feeling. The"
Alan Due west. Watts, Go What Yous Are
"Si întrucât fericirea
exista doar în corelatie cu nefericirea si placerea în corelatie cu durerea, omul inteligent nu
încearca sa le separe. Aceste relatii sunt inseparabile, mergând pâna acolo încât putem spune ca
fericirea este nefericire iar placerea este – întrucât o implica – durere. Pe masura ce realizeaza
aceste lucruri, omul învata sa abandoneze orice dorinta de a obtine fericire separata de suferinta
sau placere separata de durere.
Axiomatic ca aceste lucruri sunt greu de realizat. Eu pot sa înteleg la nivel verbal si intelectual
ca râvnind dupa placere îmi potolesc setea bând apa sarata – deoarece cu cât obtin mai multa
placere cu atât vreau mai multa (Sa ne amintim de sensul mai vechi al cuvântului „dorin.a", care
era „lipsa"!)."
Alan Watts, Become What You Are
"To receive the universe into oneself, afterwards the manner of some "mystics," is simply to become inflated with the conceit that ane is God and and then set yet another opposition between the mighty whole and the degraded part. To give oneself utterly and slavishly to the world is to get a spiritual nonentity, a mechanism, a vanquish, a foliage blown past the winds of circumstance. But if the world is received and the cocky given at the same time, there prevails that union which brings about the 2d Birth."
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"For Lao-tzu's Taoism is the philosophical equivalent of jujitsu, or judo, which ways the way of gentleness. Its basis is the principle of Tao, which may be translated the Fashion of Nature. But in the Chinese linguistic communication the word which we render as "nature" has a special meaning not establish in its English equivalent. Translated literally, it ways "self-so." For to the Chinese, nature is what works and moves by itself without having to be shoved well-nigh, wound up, or controlled by witting effort. Your heart beats "self-so," and, if you lot would give it one-half a chance, your heed can function "self-so"—though most of us are much too afraid of ourselves to try the experiment."
Alan Wilson Watts, Become What You lot Are
"nirvana, must of necessity happen by itself. It not only cannot simply must not be induced past trying and willing, since anything that i could will wouldn't exist it."
Alan West. Watts, Become What Yous Are
"The unenlightened man keeps a tight concord on himself because he is afraid of losing himself; he can trust neither circumstances nor his own human nature; he is terrified of being genuine, of accepting himself as he is and tries to deceive himself into the belief that he is every bit he wishes to exist. But these are the wishes, the desires that bind him, and information technology was such desires as these that the Buddha described as the cause of human misery."
Alan W. Watts, Become What You Are
"homo became overrational and forgot the gods and demons, relegating them to the realm of outworn superstitions. He looked for them in the skies and found only infinite spaces, expressionless rocks, and orbs of burning gas. He looked for them in thunder and wind and constitute just unintelligent forces of the atmosphere. He looked for them in woods and caverns and found only scuttling animals, creaking branches, shadows, and drafts. He thought that the gods were expressionless but in fact they became much more alive and dangerous because they were able to piece of work unrecognized."
Alan W. Watts, Get What Yous Are
"Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal. For the present moment is infinitely modest; before we tin measure it, information technology has gone, and nonetheless information technology persists for ever. This movement and modify has been called Tao by the Chinese, yet in fact there is no movement, for the moment is the simply reality and there is nothing beside information technology in relation to which it can be said to motion. Thus it can be called at one time the eternally moving and eternally resting."
Alan W. Watts, Get What You lot Are

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